Soltin - Zolcin

   Soltin was the first village I visited outside of Cammin, and it was great.  Most of the old structures are still standing, including a barn from 1832 (picture 3).  Some of the farms are still active, too.  Perhaps it raised my expectations to too high a level for the other villages that followed.

    Soltin map

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Soltin from the South
My first view of Soltin, looking north from the path over the footbridge from Kamien

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South edge of Soltin

3Soltin 3  

Southernmost farm in Soltin, with the cows just coming in from the pasture.  The largest barn in the middle has wrought iron letters on the peak saying: "H. Zalike 1832", and it's in amazing shape for a building that old.   I haven't seen anybody researching that surname, although I think not all surname spellings were finalized at that time.   Dieter Wallschläger tells me the name likely became ZULEKE, ZÜLKE, or ZUELKE.

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 Notice the stork nest.  Every village had at least one, some of them quite elaborate.

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The largest house in Soltin, along with the largest barns (although one has been taken down).  It's no longer a working farm, but it's being kept up very nicely.  It's also in the next two pictures.

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16Soltin 16   A view of the Dievenow from the main road.

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